Calm & Composed

My views on latest topics: Standards, News, Politics...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My View

This domain should serve as a good place for my expression of views on various subjects. I am a generally non-confrontational type of guy, but when I think about it, I discovered (yes, news to me sometimes) that I actually have some very strong feelings about a number of issues -- mostly moral issues. I have a bit of a political vein -- that's from my dad.

Spiderman's grandpa once said, "with great power comes great responsibility." I apply the same attitude to the process of sharing views in two ways. The power to express ourselves in this great country of the USA is given to us all, provided we do so responsibly and respectfully. And because we can and have formed these views, some being based in our guiding beliefs and values, we have responsibility to share them with others in an effort to persuade them to similar views.


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